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  • Japanese Import : Links to each HS codes | JapanTradeStatistics

    Enlace a cada número HS4 Importar a Japón HS01xx Animales vivos: HS0101 HS0102 HS0103 HS0104 HS0105 HS0106 HS02xx Carne: HS0201 HS0202 HS0203 HS0204 HS0205 HS0206 HS0207 HS0208 HS0209 HS021 0 HS03xx Pez: HS0301 HS0302 HS0303 HS0304 HS0305 HS0306 HS0307 HS0308 HS03 09 HS04xx Productos lácteos, huevos, miel, etc.: HS0401 HS0402 HS0403 HS0404 HS0405 HS0406 HS0407 HS0408 HS0409 HS0410 HS05xx Otros productos animales: HS0501 HS0502 HS0503 HS0504 HS0505 HS0506 HS0507 HS0508 HS0509 HS0510 HS0511 HS06xx Árboles y plantas vivos: HS0601 HS0602 HS0603 HS0604 HS07xx Verduras comestibles: HS0701 HS0702 HS0703 HS0704 HS0705 HS0706 HS0707 SA0708 HS0709 HS0710 SA0711 HS0712 HS0713 SA07 14 HS08xx Frutos comestibles: HS0801 HS0802 HS0803 HS0804 HS0805 SA0806 SA0807 SA0808 SA0809 HS0810 SA0811 HS0812 SA0813 SA08 14 HS09xx Café, té, especias: SA0901 SA0902 SA0903 SA0904 SA0905 SA0906 SA0907 SA0908 SA0909 SA0910 HS10xx Cereales: HS1001 HS1002 HS1003 HS1004 HS1005 HS1006 HS1007 HS1008 HS11xx Grano/harina/malta/almidón/gluten de trigo: HS1101 HS1102 HS1103 HS1104 HS1105 SA1106 HS1107 SA1108 HS12xx Semillas, frutos para la extracción de aceite, semillas y frutos de diversas clases, plantas industriales o medicinales y plantas para paja y forraje: HS1201 HS1202 HS1203 HS1204 HS1205 HS1206 HS1207 HS1208 HS13xx Gomas, resinas y demás jugos y extractos vegetales: HS1301 HS1302 HS14xx Materiales de composición vegetal y productos vegetales no clasificados en otra parte: HS1401 HS1402 HS1403 HS1404 HS15xx Grasas y aceites de origen animal, vegetal o microbiológico y sus productos de descomposición, grasas y ceras alimenticias preparadas de origen animal o vegetal: HS1501 HS1502 HS1503 HS1504 HS1505 HS1506 HS1507 HS1508 HS1509 HS1510 SA1511 HS1512 HS1513 HS1514 HS1515 SA1516 SA1517 SA1518 SA1519 HS1520 HS1521 HS1522 HS16xx Semillas, frutos para la extracción de aceite, semillas y frutos de diversas clases, plantas industriales o medicinales y plantas para paja y forraje: HS1601 HS1602 SA1603 SA1604 HS1605 HS17xx Azúcar y confitería: HS1701 HS1702 SA1703 SA1704 HS18xx Cacao y sus preparaciones: SA1801 SA1802 SA1803 SA1804 SA1805

  • Search HS code | JapanTradeStatistics

    Page Title This is a Paragraph. Click on "Edit Text" or double click on the text box to start editing the content and make sure to add any relevant details or information that you want to share with your visitors. Click Here Section Title This is a Paragraph. Click on "Edit Text" or double click on the text box to start editing the content and make sure to add any relevant details or information that you want to share with your visitors. List Title This is a Paragraph. Click on "Edit Text" or double click on the text box to start editing the content and make sure to add any relevant details or information that you want to share with your visitors. List Title This is a Paragraph. Click on "Edit Text" or double click on the text box to start editing the content and make sure to add any relevant details or information that you want to share with your visitors. List Title This is a Paragraph. Click on "Edit Text" or double click on the text box to start editing the content and make sure to add any relevant details or information that you want to share with your visitors. List Title This is a Paragraph. Click on "Edit Text" or double click on the text box to start editing the content and make sure to add any relevant details or information that you want to share with your visitors.

  • Embed interactive statistics in powerpoint | JapanTradeStatistics

    Estadísticas comerciales de Japón Introducción general It is super easy to embed our statistics into a Microsoft PowerOoint presentation. Below is a video of an actual example of how it looks like when the statistics is embedded into a presentation. You keep all the interactive functions, like slicing, dicing, selecting specific countries, years and months, HS codes and you can even change language during your presentation. How to 01 Open the Power Point presentation you want to embed the interactive statistics into. 02 Go to your JapanTradeStatistics page and open the relevant HS code statistics page. 03 From the menu in Power BI, select Export > PowerPoint > Embed live data 04 Now you have your interactive statistics embedded in your Power Point presentation.

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